Thursday, June 10, 2010

June 9 -10

I was sore Tuesday after the morning run all the way until it was time to work out the next day. It was mostly a good sore though as it was the result of a couple good days of training. Wednesday workout (9.5 mi total) was 5-4-3-2-1 minutes on with equal rest. We had a great crew of GRC guys there for the workout. It actually went really well considering how bad I was feeling in previous weeks. I was able to put forth a good effort and followed good friend Joe Wiegner, allowing for some decent running on the longer intervals. It was nice to just sit on his shoulder and get pulled along by a guy who is way more fit than me right now. I was spent for the 2 and 1 min on but happy I held on that long. I was having some pain on the inside of my lower calf / upper ankle though. Something in there is strained or something which was bothering me. I am a little nervous about it but it’s most likely something small. On the upside my allergies/ asthma seem to be moving in the right direction, still limiting me somewhat but getting better with the treatment. I was wiped out from the hard effort of the workout and eagerly headed to Rock Bottom for some food and Flyers watching with the guys (although the game didn’t end too well!).

Thursday’s morning run (9 mi) was pretty good. The whole North Bethesda crew (minus Joe) was out there for a nice, easy run. I felt fine except for that area on the inside of my lower calf/ upper ankle. It is really annoying but I still think it is just a strain. I wonder if this is driving related. I have been driving a ton recently with commuting to and from Herndon in heavy traffic in addition to some weekend trips. I feel the strain while I’m driving and can’t help but wonder if this is responsible. Has anyone had any experience with something similar? Please let me know.


Adam said...

Hey Karl, loving the blog! You ready for the World Cup?

Karl D. said...

You know it! I'm counting down to kick-off tomorrow. Don't tell me anything during weekdays when I'm at work though; I'm recording those games.