Monday, June 21, 2010

June 18-20

Ran 10.5 on Friday AM at a nice, slow pace with Jake. We felt terrible but pushed through. I am very happy to be able to run in the AM with Jake, especially when I’m hurting. The US soccer game (see next post) followed the run, and after the game some of the stomach pain and generally illness I had been experiencing earlier in the week came back strong. It’s too bad I had to travel to NJ for a wedding at that time. I still didn’t feel well enough to fight the heat to race or run Saturday AM. I missed a day of running and hanging out at the beach, taking it easy in the hotel until it was time for the wedding. It really upset me to miss a day (and the beach!) when things have been going well, but the discomfort was significant and warranted a day off. I described the pain to Emily as the Domino Noid punching and kicking me in gut.

Sunday I woke up and ran a very easy 6 with Jay and Aileen. The conditions for the run were miserable – hot and along a busy road. The pace was light and my stomach felt OK though so that was good. I wanted to do our team race in the evening as a workout still but those plans were scrapped as waves of feeling ill (although not as bad) returned on the ride back to MD. I still got in 8 miles of additional running, warming up and cooling down with Joe as well as running out to my water stop. The race was a success and Joe was dominant in the victory, looking strong and representing the GRC well! It was good to hang out with the GRC team and friends while putting on a fun race near Georgetown.

I got in 14 for the day and 67.5 for the week (with only one workout) which was a step back for sure. I thinking I’m feeling better now so hopefully that holds up. I have over 80 miles planned for next week while adding in some workouts and strength training.

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