Monday, June 28, 2010

June 26-27

Saturday GRC headed out to Duel Ferries for a 20mi run. We met at 8 to try to avoid some of the heat. I felt amazing early on. We came through the first 10mi loop in 66 minutes and change. We got some water, gatorade, sports beans, and/or endurox and charged on. I felt ready to hammer it at this point and moved well on the 10-15 stretch although I think I ate / drank a weird mix of things at the break and had some stomach cramping. At the 15 mi mark some guys started to fly and I was dropped. This was frustrating because I went from feeling like this was going to be the best of the year to having one of my worst runs pretty quickly. It was hot and sunny on the last stretch and the last few miles seemed to take forever. I guess I’m just not quite as fit as I hoped at this point in the training. I remain confident I will come around soon and there were some good signs of fitness early in the run. Bain was kind enough to run with me to the finish and we still finished 20 miles in 2:06 plus, which isn’t too bad. I ran it the wrong way though.

The rest of Saturday was eventful. We went to Dunkin after the run but didn’t have huge appetites because a few of us felt pretty fried. I still hadn’t eaten much by the time of the US soccer game, which I was extremely nervous for. They fought hard and dominated play the majority of the game but again had problems with giving up early goals on defensive lapses, losing to Ghana 2-1 in extra time. Painful loss. I hate we have to wait 4 years for another chance too. Expect to see the US make some strategic changes in the next few years to improve defensively.

I got to take my mind off the game because my friend Bill was in town and he, Pat (my bro-in-law), and I went to a Phish concert. It was my first Phish show and we had a great time. It was a unique experience and different from the other concerts I’ve been too. After a late night, Bill and I were still able to meet GRC for an easy 10-11 mile run. It was good to start Sunday off with a nice run even though I was tired. All in all, it was a solid week. 85.5 miles with a couple nice efforts.

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