Tuesday, April 10, 2012

Wiggy Challenge

Joe Wiegner (http://wiggyisrunning.blogspot.com/) and I have challenged each other to update our blogs EVERYDAY in an effort to hold each other and ourselves more accountable.  So if you don't see me post or don't see Joe post, be sure to give us a hard time.  This means most of my posts will be short and boring - maybe just how much I ran the previous day without any explanation.

Yesterday I ran 1:32 (13 miles), much of it with Ryan Hanson in Rock Creek.

After missing out on the trials last Fall, I was disappointed in the result but happy I gave it a good shot.  Right now, I'm trying to build some momentum and get in some solid base training to prepare for what could be my last year of competitive racing.  If I can stay healthy (big if given my recent history) and stay focused I think I can make a run at some PRs and a best-ever placing at club XC nationals before hanging up the spikes.  I have the support of my wife and a great team/coach to work with so no excuses. 

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

yippy skippy!