Monday, April 16, 2012

Sunday 4/15 - Night Run

Sunday was a great day.  More for family reasons than running reasons, but great nonetheless.  Since I didn't wake up super early to get my run in, the rest of the morning got consumed by family stuff - we took Lily to the zoo and had an amazing lunch at the lobster house where I dined on oysters and shrimp.  We then went back to my parent's place to pack up and watch the first period of the Flyers' game before heading out. 

On the trip back we listened to an amazing Flyers' victory and stopped for some coffee and travel food, including BK for Lily's dinner.  It was late when we got back and I had some bad food in my stomach.  After helping Lily get ready for bed, it was 9:15.  I forced myself out the door for fear of ruining my momentum and having to put a 0 in this log.  After my stomach settled, I was actually having a nice run.  I got in 13 miles over 1:30 (~85 miles for the week).  I love running at night but I always feel like a weirdo running around here after 9 PM.  In New York, there was so many reasons people would still be out and about at night so I never felt strange on my late night runs.  Here though it's only dog walkers, creeps, and me.  At least I hope I'm my own category but people certainly give me weird looks out there.  I took an icebath late last night too which probably increases the probability that I actually am a weirdo.  Oh well.

Anyway, it was a strong week.  The allergy conditions are terrible around DC right now, but I continued to progress.  My schedule is really full right now, but as long as I find a way to get my mileage a little higher and stay healthy, I think I can do well at making one last push to get where I want to be.  I know from experience I can be very effective when my mileage is in the 90's.

1 comment:

Elizabeth said...

That takes serious dedication to go out and run after a long day, a long car ride, etc. Wow. Hope you saw some zebras at the zoo.