Friday, July 9, 2010

July 3-9

July 3-9

Saturday I just ran an easy 7 in the AM to get ready for the next day’s race. I threw in some strides on the beach as well. It was hot but not overwhelming.
Sunday I ran the Sister Blister 5K in Stone Harbor. Despite the 8AM start, the temperature was already high. The was a cash prize and some guys that looked legit on the line, so I was expecting it to be hard. I followed the pack for almost a mile before making a small move to see which guys were for real. Only a couple guys went with me and then they fell off soon after. I ran the rest of the way solo and had trouble pushing myself on the flat course, I just kept steady 5 min miles and ran 15:20-something for the win. It was nice to get some straight cash, homie (remind me to post Randy Moss video). Races should give cash prizes more often. I always like to use some of the winnings to treat teammates or people who came to watch to a meal or round. Emily, my parents, and I went out for a tasty breakfast after. The heat and family time prevented me from doing a second run to complete the long Sunday plan, leaving me with only 70.5 miles for the week.

Monday and Tuesday were days of active rest. I swam and played tennis, but no running, which was disappointing. The heat was intense even early in the morning and there was little shade to be found. In the future, I need to plan runs out better and drive to places if I need to when I'm visiting the shore. This was a vacation and I don’t regret spending some great time with the family instead of running but I’ve got to run more when I’m there in the future.

Wednesday I drove back to MD and did a short night run with Jake at 9:30 just to get back into the flow of things. It was strangely hot despite the time of day. I did 6and then got in some strength training.

Thursday PM (with Smith bros at Difficult Run) and Friday AM (with Klim and Joe W in RCP) were both 13 mile runs. I was a little more tired and tight on Friday but both runs were pretty good despite the continued heat and humidity.


Charlie Ban said...

Karl D. said...

Thanks Charlie! Way to beat me to it.

Charlie Ban said...

oddly enough, I had been watching that clip yesterday, so it was still in my browser history